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Baumbach Plumbing, Family, and Castle History
About Baumbach Plumbing, the First Women Master Plumber, Baumbach's looking for other Baumbach's, the history of Baumbach Plumbing from Arlington Virginia and Fairfax Station Virginia, the history of the Baumbach family name, the Baumbach Castle, Baumbach Genealogy, and more.
Baumbach Family Coat of Arms
Northern Virginia Notary will travel to you, local to Prince William, Loudoun, Fauquier, Fairfax and Counties **
Baumbach Plumbing and Remodeling
Baumbach Plumbing & Remodeling Services, LLC is a certified Master Plumber serving residents in Northern Virginia since 1928. Specializing in backflow prevention and testing.
Suds-N-Flood Tamer Backflow Control
Prevents suds, and drain sewer water from backing up, helps keep snakes, animals, rodents and lizards from entering through the sewer system. If you need to stop the backflow of sewer water, suds and bubbles, or have storm flood backup problems, the Suds-N-Flood Tamer is what you need.
In Loving Memory of Lillian Ann Baumbach Jacobs, the First Woman Master Plumber.
About the Baumbach Plumbing business that became World famous.
Need a Plumber?
Fairfax: (703) 250-4200
Arlington: (703) 524-1250
Busy Since 1989 Helping Individuals, Businesses Small & Large With Their IT Needs, Over 35 Years Of Experience In The Northern Virginia Area.
(703) 791-9522
Information about the Baumbachs visits to the Castle in Germany.
Information about Andy Baumbach